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Data Sources

BitDance leverages advanced technologies to help users realize the trusted collection of various private data, including but not limited to medical and health data, financial data, social data, and creative data. These data mainly come from the physical world and the digital world.

Data from the Physical World
In recent years, with the popularization of various smart devices and the rapid development of the Internet of Things, it has become economically feasible for individuals to collect private data from the physical world. These data streams are dynamically changing and have a huge amount of information. With the help of AI technology, we can easily analyze and process these data with the authorization of users and obtain valuable insights from them.

Data from the Digital World
Since the emergence of personal computers and the Internet, humans have entered the digital age. People browse, search, shop, socialize, and create in the digital space, leaving behind a large amount of personal data. The technology for collecting personal data in the digital space are relatively simple and the cost is also low. After obtaining user authorization, we can help users collect their personal data in real time through API interfaces or web crawlers.

With the continuous advancement of technology, various new personal privacy data will be generated. All these personal privacy data will eventually be brought together to become a holographic digital person. With the support of blockchain and privacy computing, these precious private data will be used to train AI large language models, and we will be able to help users create a personalized AI assistant. AI will eventually evolve from general AI to personalized AI.
Coming soon!
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