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Product Design

1. Trusted Data Collection Product

Trusted Collection of Data from the Physical World
Provide a blockchain chip that integrates Digital Identity DID, asymmetric encryption and digital signature algorithms, embedded in smart devices, and realizes trusted collection of personal data from the source with user authorization.

BitDance will not produce smart devices, but cooperate with all the smart device manufacturers, especially Web3 companies (Jambo Phone, Saga Phone, Yuliverse's Moonring, UXUY's Blueberry Ring, WatchX's Smartwatch, Brainstem's Wristband, etc.). BitDance is committed to becoming a trusted data collection chip provider that is compatible with all the smart devices and blockchains on the market.

Trusted Collection of Data from the Digital World
Provide various API (Application Programming Interfaces), web crawlers and browser plug-ins to help users collect personal data scattered in the digital space with user authorization.

2. TEE Privacy Computing Product

Provide privacy computing mining machines to set up a decentralized privacy computing network and a peer-to-peer data market for AI with the help of token incentive mechanism.

By means of this, individual users can sell their personal data through smart contracts while ensuring privacy security. AI companies can purchase users' personal data according to needs for training large language models and provide users with personalized AI services.

Coming soon!
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