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Technical Implementation

1. Chip Side

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2. Device Side

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Trusted Data Collection by AIoT Smart Devices with Blockchain Chips

3. Edge Side

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Decentralized Data Market by Privacy Computing in TEE

Peer-to-Peer Data Transaction Process in Privacy Computing Chips

1. The owners and users of data constitute the supply side and demand side of the peer-to-peer data market respectively.

2. All the data involved in the transaction is securely stored in the Filecoin distributed network through IPFS (Inter-Planetary File System) protocol.

3. The peer-to-peer transaction of data is safely executed in the open source customized privacy computing chips based on RISC-V.

4. Privacy computing chips in TEE support memory security, full-type file system and multi-process management in secure enclave.

5. Each process runs a smart contract for data transaction, and the system can run millions of processes at the same time.

6. The software running in TEE adopts containerized design and creates dockers to make full use of the hardware resources of secure enclave.

7. Each peer-to-peer data transaction is securely executed in docker in the form of smart contracts.

8. The encrypted data and algorithms are decrypted after entering the secure enclave, the results are encrypted and output after the smart contract is executed in TEE. At the same time, the data and algorithms in docker are destroyed automatically.

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