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Pain Points and Solutions of Data Market

1. Data Supply Side: C-end Individual Users

As we all know, the large-scale leakage of personal data has become a social problem that has plagued people for a long time. In recent years, with the development of the Internet of Things and the popularization of smart devices, this problem has become more and more serious. Privacy security cannot be guaranteed, which restricts the willingness of people to share their Data. In the Web2 era, people's data are owned by various institutions and Internet monopoly platforms, and are abused everywhere without the user's authorization. People cannot own their data, nor can they benefit from their data. After the advent of the Web3 era, people's awareness of data sovereignty began to awaken, and the global data democratization movement is in full swing. People began to demand to own their data, and on the premise of ensuring the privacy security of personal data, realize the assetization and financialization of data, and make money for themselves through data transactions. At the same time, people hope to use their data to enjoy personalized services with the help of AI, and have a personal AI assistant.

BitDance can help users achieve trusted collection of personal data at the source in real time and ensure its integrity and traceability by the integration of blockchain and AIoT. At the same time, BitDance can help users realize data ownership confirmation through asymmetric encryption and digital signatures. Furthermore BitDance can also help users conveniently manage and authorize data through digital wallets, realize data monetization through smart contracts and cryptocurrencies, and continue to obtain economic benefits and rewards from data transactions. Through privacy computing and AI LLMs, BitDance can provide users with personalized AI assistants while ensuring privacy security.

2. Data Demand Side: B-end Enterprise Customers

AI companies are the largest buyers of personal data. The training and inference of AI large language models require a large number of high-quality data sets, while the collection of data lacks credibility and traceability until now. Driven by interests, data fraud and adulteration are common. Currently, the training data of AI models mainly comes from the public Internet. With the rapid development of AI, these public data are almost exhausted. In the future, if AI wants to make greater progress, it must expand new data sources, shift from public data on the Internet to personal privacy data, and realize the evolution from general AI to personal AI. Given the high sensitivity of personal data, the challenges faced by AI companies in this revolution will be even more arduous.

BitDance builds a Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Network (DePIN) of private data for AI, which enables trusted data collection with AIoT devices, and builds a decentralized data market through privacy computing chips in TEE. In this way, sustainable data services will be provided by individuals for the training and inference of AI LLMs (Large Language Models). AI companies can purchase personal data in the market according to their needs, and provide personal AI services for individuals.

3. Data Regulator: Governments

At present, governments around the world attach great importance to the security of personal data and have successively introduced various strict regulatory policies and regulations (including but not limited to Europe's GDPR, the United States' CCPA, and China's Personal Information Protection Law). Under the strict supervision of the governments, traditional Web2 data providers in the market are struggling. This centralized data market is easily hacked and causes large-scale data leaks. It can be said that it is only a matter of time before something goes wrong. Under the pressure of the government's increasingly stringent regulatory policies, the market prospects of those companies are worrying.

BitDance adopts the decentralized architecture design of Web3, uses blockchain and privacy computing in TEE to help users realize data rights confirmation and privacy protection, and helps governments realize effective supervision of personal data security. At the same time, it breaks the data silos, realizes data assetization and financialization, and promotes the circulation of personal data value, so that everyone can enjoy the dividends of the digital age. Therefore, the government is BitDance’s partner and strong backer. The strict personal data regulatory policies are beneficial and the biggest traction for BitDance to develop and occupy the market.

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