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Token Supply and Distribution

In the decentralized data market, individual users can receive BTD rewards when registering their data. AI companies and developers pay fees to access data and services on the BitDance Network. Fees are collected in the form of BTD, stablecoins, and other blockchain native tokens, and then converted to BTD.

BTD tokens are distributed as mining rewards to individual users who provide data, node operators of the BitDance Network who provide privacy computing services, manufacturers of smart devices, investors of mining machines as RWA, and foundation vaults for ecosystem construction. The total amount of BTD tokens is 10 billion, which are distributed according to the following proportions.

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60% of the tokens, or 6 billion tokens, will be distributed as community mining rewards to personal data providers, privacy computing mining machine operators, smart device manufacturers and mining machine RWA investors to complete the cold start and long-term sustainable development of the BitDance community. The mining rewards adopt a geometric decreasing release model, with an initial release of 120 million tokens. Thereafter, the annual release will decrease by 2% year-on-year.

The mathematical model and formula for releasing community mining rewards are as follows.

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R n represents the token release in the nth year

R 1 represents the initial token release in the first year

Q represents the annual token release reduction coefficient

One of the advantages of this geometric decreasing release model is that it can theoretically guarantee the perpetual release of mining rewards. In 20 years, the amount of tokens released for Community Mining Rewards will reach 1,994,352,169, accounting for 33.24% of the total mining reward tokens.

The release of other tokens adopts a linear model. The tokens of the Founding Team, Private Sale, Advisors & Partners have a one-year lock-up period after listing on a centralized exchange. After the lock-up period, 20% will be released in the first year, and the remaining will be released linearly over 3 years. There is no lock-up period for the release of tokens for Ecological Construction. 20% can be unlocked on the day of listing on a centralized exchange, and the remaining will be released over 3 years. The token distribution chart over time is shown as follows.

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The BitDance testnet is planned to be launched in 2024 (the first year), the mainnet is planned to be launched in 2025 (the second year), and the BTD token centralized exchange listing will be planned in 2025. It is expected that by 2029 (the sixth year), the total amount of tokens released will reach 4,576,475,219, accounting for about 45.76% of the total tokens, in which the tokens of the Founding Team, Private Sales, Advisors & Partners will all be released, and the tokens of Community Mining Rewards will be released 576,475,219, accounting for about 9.6% of the total mining reward tokens.

The initial circulating token supply is 220,000,000, which is approximately 2.2% of the total token supply. The annual circulating supply after listing on centralized exchanges are shown in the following table.

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