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Token Utility

Incentivize Data Supply

BitDance incentivizes users to provide personal data to the BitDance Network. When AI companies and developers purchase data, the providers of data will receive data mining rewards provided by BitDance in the form of BTD tokens.

Incentivize Node Operators

Node operators of BitDance Network provide peer-to-peer data market services to individual users and corporate customers, and receive service mining rewards provided by BitDance based on the actual data transaction fees generated.

Incentivize Smart Device Manufacturers

Smart device manufacturers that join the BitDance Ecological Alliance will receive device mining rewards from BitDance after users provide personal data through their devices.

Incentivize Mining Machine RWA Investors

In the RWA market, investors who invest in BitDance mining machines for individuals to use freely will receive investment mining rewards provided by BitDance.

Pay Data Usage Fees

AI companies and developers pay fees to access and use data, products and services on the BitDance network. Fees can be paid in BTD tokens, stablecoins, and other blockchain native tokens. All non-BTD-denominated fees are then converted into BTD tokens, part of which will be burned.

Manage Personal Data

Users pay gas fees in BTD through digital wallets on the BitDance Network to manage their encrypted personal data, part of which will be burned.

Govern the Community

BTD holders can participate in the DAO governance of BitDance community and vote on proposals such as technology upgrades and fee structures.

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